KATARIYA INFRA PROJECT PVT. LTD. is a Private Limited company having its Registered office at T-306, Vihav Ensign, Near Bansal Mall, Gotri-Bhayali Road, Gotri, Vadodara-39002, Gujarat, India and was promoted by Shri Chintan K. Kataria along with other promoters in the year 2013.
KATARIYA INFRA PROJECT PVT. LTD. is one of the promising companies in India having turnover of Rs. 13,05,00,617/- (FY 14-15). The company has been formed to undertake engineering works of unrestricted value with most of the Government departments, public & private sector organizations. It is tribute to the company’s outstanding performance that national & international contractors have expressed their interests for partnership on equal footing for mega size projects. Apart from the latest methods and techniques, the company has introduced automation in its working styles. Use of QA / QC methods, Project Management & Control Tools, Safety Manuals, is the hallmark of company’s operations. As an organization, it is always on the move to improve its productivity further by resorting to new management of tools as they become available.